Aframe v Stability AI



In this experiment multiple Large Language Models (LLMs) are strung together to generate information, this time with one additional step: in addition to the copy generated, your prompt provides the basis for creating images, providing a visual dimension to the generated content.

After the copy is generated and presented that output is sent back to GPT-3.5 to distill its sentiment into a single sentence. This sentence becomes a new prompt then sent to the Stability API which uses Stable Diffusion, a text-to-image model, to generate the image.

Because this process is so slow, the image is injected after the 3rd paragraph, in hopes that you won't notice it appearing after the fact. No 3rd paragraph, no image. Sorry.

Party Pic



Wondering where the AI's insights come from?

For clarity and trust, we've provided direct links to the relevant Pitchfork reviews here, guiding you directly to the original content.